Corporate Briefing Session of Service Industries Textiles Limited

Karachi, Service Industries Textiles Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that the Corporate Briefing Session of the Company will be held on July 06, 2021 at Lahore, to brief the Investors/Analysts about the Company’s current financial performance and outlook.

Service Industries Textiles Limited was incorporated in Pakistan in 1962 as a Private Limited Company under the repealed Companies Act 1913, (now the Companies Ordinance, 1984) and was subsequently converted into a Public Limited Company in 1970. The Company is listed on Pakistan stock exchange. The principal activity of the Company is manufacturing and sale of yarn made from raw cotton and synthetic fiber. The registered office of the Company is situated at 38 – Empress Road, Lahore.

The symbol “SERT” is being used by the stock exchange for Service Industries Textiles Limited.