Karachi, Askari General Insurance Company Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that Mr. Suleman Khalid has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer of the Company with effect from August 26, 2021 in place of Mr. Razi Haider.
Askari General Insurance Company Limited was incorporated in 1995. It is a Public Limited Company, registered and supervised by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. The shares of the company are quoted on Pakistan Stock Exchange with the symbol “AGIC” used for the shares of the company.
The Company is engaged in non-life insurance business comprising of fire, marine, motor, health, miscellaneous, and has a subsidiary of Army Welfare Trust.
The total number of shares company has issued so far are 71,901,898. Earning Per Share is 5.50 in 2020 which was 5.03 in 2019. The Net Profit Margin percentage has increased in 2020 and is 21.24% which was 17.95 % in 2019.