Material Information of Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

Karachi, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange While determining the RLNG Prices, the Regulator since August, 2020 has diverged from the decision of the ECC of the Cabinet issued in this regard and started applying consolidated System Gas UFG benchmark on the RLNG consumers of distribution segment. The Regulator however, did not consider the fact that the benchmark of system gas consumers is a consolidated benchmark and is applicable for both transmission and distribution consumers, therefore, cannot be applied on one segment i.e. distribution only.

Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company. The foundations of the company are laid using the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The principle activities of the company are the purchase, transmission, distribution and supply of natural gas. The stocks of the company are quoted on the Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchanges of Pakistan. The registered office of the company is located in Lahore.

The symbol “SNGP” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited.