Karachi, Ghani Global Holdings Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 200,000 shares @ Rs. 31.84 per share were bought from the market on December 01, 2021 through CDC.
Ghani Global Holdings Limited (formerly known as Ghani Gases Limited) was incorporated in Pakistan as a private limited company and was subsequently converted into public limited company. The principal activity of the company is to manage investments in its subsidiary and associated company.
During May 2009, Ghani Gases setup a state-of-the-art 110TPD ASU plant for manufacturing of liquid industrial and medical gases near Lahore (GGL-I). Ghani Gases is one of the Company in Pakistan which offered sale of shares via Book Building Mechanism after introduction of Book Building Rules by the SECP during April 2008.
The total numbers of shares are 279,936,435.The Earnings per 0.00 in 2020 which was 0.00 in 2019. The profit after taxation is 645,000 in 2020 which was 170,000 in 2019.