Transaction of 500 shares of Olympia Mills Limited


Karachi, Olympia Mills Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 500 shares @ Rs. 11.80 per share were bought from the market on June 18, 2021 through CDC.

The company was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company on October 28, 1960, and its shares are quoted on the Pakistan Stock Exchange. The registered office of the company is situated at H-23/3, Landhi Industrial Area Karachi.

The principal line of the company has also been changed to renting/leasing of company’s fixed assets as approved by Shareholders in AGM dated 30 October 2017.

The name of the company has been changed from Olympia Spinning & Weaving Mills Ltd to Olympia Mills Limited which was approved by SECP in November 2017.

The principal business activity of the company is now renting/leasing of Factory building and Paper Plant Machinery.