‫ایکس سی ایم جی نے جغرافیائی خصوصیات کے مطابق تیار کردہ کرینوں کے 100 سے زائد یونٹ بین الاقوامی صارفین کو فراہم کیے

زوزہو ، چین ، 16 جون ، 2021 / پی آر نیوز وائر / – ایکس سی ایم جی (SHE: 000425) نے 7 جون کو 50 سے 260 ٹن تک کی کرینوں کے 100 سے زائد یونٹ بیرون ملک منڈیوں کو فراہم کیے جو مختلف انفراسٹرکچر منصوبوں میں کام کریں گے۔

ایکس سی ایم جی نے مختلف علاقوں کی آب و ہوا اور آپریشن کے پس منظر کے ساتھ ساتھ صارفین کی مخصوص ضروریات کے مطابق کرینوں کو خصوصی طور  پر تیارکرکےاور زیادہ بہتر بنا دیا ہے۔

مشرق وسطی میں، گرم صحرائی آب و ہوا میں بلند درجہ حرارت اور گرد وغبار کے خلاف مزاحمت رکھنے والی  کرین کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے، اور ایکس سی ایم جی کرینیں اپنی  اعلی موافقت اور قابل اعتماد  کارکردگی کے لئے وسیع  ترین  مارکیٹ شیئر کی حامل ہیں۔ مثال کے طور پر، گرمی میں مقامی درجہ حرارت 50 ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ تک جاسکتا ہے ، لہذا ایکس سی ایم جی نے ہائیڈرولک نظام کو 60 ڈگری کے معیار کے مطابق  بہتر بنا دیا ہے جس سے ان کے کام کی کارکردگی میں نمایاں اضافہ ہو گیاہے۔

دریں اثنا، وسطی ایشیاء کی سرد آب و ہوا کے دوران عمومی آغاز کو یقینی بنانے کے لئے ایسی کرینوں کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے جو انجن کو جلدگرمکرنے  کی خصوصیات رکھتی ہوں، اور ان کے چیسس ڈیزائن کو ہر طرح کی حالت کی سڑکوں کے مطابق کھینچنے کی بھاری طاقت کا حامل اور گرفت قائم رکھنے والا ہونا چاہئے۔

آسٹریلیائی صارفین کے لئے، ایکس سی ایم جی نے سلنڈرز کو نئے سرے سے ڈیزائن کیا ہے اور اسکیلنگ فنکشن میں اضافے کے لئے ایکؤپمنٹ کو ری پروگرام کیا ہے جس نے اسے پیچیدہ ماحولیاتمیں بوجھ کو بلندی  تک لے جانےکے قابل بنادیا ہے۔

ایکس سی ایم جی کے آن سائٹ ایکسپرٹ کے مطابق، بیرون ملک تعمیراتی مشینری مارکیٹوں میں بہت ہی سخت طلب کے باوجود ، ایکس سی ایم جی نے اپنی عالمی ترقیاتی حکمت عملی کو ثابت قدمی کے ساتھ فروغ دیا اور اسکیل سے لے کر ٹکنالوجی تک بڑے پیمانے پر  قیاد ت منتقلی کی تکمیل کرتے ہوئے، اب وہ2,000سے زیادہ تکنیکی مالکانہ حقوق (ٹیکنیکل پیٹنٹ)کی مالک ہے، جو ہماری مضبوط ترقی کی صلاحیت کا مظہرہے۔

ایکس سی ایم جی گاہکوں کے لئے بہتر مصنوعات لانے کے لئے تعمیراتی مشینری کی ٹیکنالوجیز میں مسلسل جدت لا رہا ہے۔ مئی میں، ایکس سی ایم جی نے آٹھ نئی کرین مصنوعات لانچ کیں جن کو مارکیٹ کی طلب کو پورا کرنے کے لئے ڈیزائن کیا گیا ہے۔ معروف جی آئی (GI)جنریشن پلیٹ فارم کی بنیاد پر تیار کردہ ، نئے ماڈل اپنی اعلی کارکردگی، درستگی، پرُاعتمادی، توانائی کی بچت اور قدر کے باعثانڈسٹری کی توجہ کے مرکز بن گئے ہیں۔

گذشتہ برسوں کے دوران ، ایکس سی ایم جی نے مختلف انفرا اسٹرکچرز کی تعمیر کو فروغ دینے کے لئے بیرون ملک متعدد بڑے تعمیراتی منصوبوں میں حصہ لیا ، جس میں دنیا کا ‘سب سے بڑا آئل ریفائنری’ پراجیکٹ ڈانگوٹ ریفائنری، بنگلہ دیش میں پدما ریل برج، انڈونیشیا کے صوبہ سولاوسی میں بڑے پیمانے کا نکل-آئرنپراجیکٹ،جبکہ دیگر منصوبوں میں قطر کا دوحہ-دَکھن ایکسپریس وے شامل ہے۔

ایکس سی ایم جی کے بارے میں

ایکس سی ایم جی ایک ملٹی نیشنل ہیوی مشینری مینوفیکچرنگ کمپنی ہے جس کی 78 سالہ تاریخہے۔ اس وقت یہ دنیا کی تعمیراتی  مشینری کی صنعت میں تیسرے نمبر پر ہے۔ یہ کمپنی دنیا بھر کے 187 سے زیادہ ممالک اور خطوں میں برآمدات کرتی ہے۔

‫ایکس سی ایم جی د جغرافیائی طور باندی خپل د مرضی مطابق کرینونو 100 نه زیات یونټی بین الاقوامی صارفینو ته فراہم کړی۔

زوزو ، چین ، 16 جون ، 2021 / پی آر نیوز وائر / – ایکس سی ایم جی (SHE: 000425) 7 جون له 50 نه 260 ټن پوری د کرینونو 100 نه زیات یونټی بیرون ملک منډیانو ته ورسولی چی کوم به مختلف انفراسټرکچر منصوبوں کښې پکار راځی۔

ایکس سی ایم جی د مختلف علاقو آب و ہوا او د آپریشن منظرنامو سره سره د صارفینو مخصوص ضروریات په مطابق کرینونا خپل د مرضی مطابق او بہتر جوړ کړی دی۔

مشرق وسطی کښې ، تودوخی صحرائی آب و ہوا کښې اعلی درجہ حرارت او دوړی خلاف مزاحمت د پاره د کرین ضرورت وی ، او ایکس سی ایم جی کرینونا د ده اعلی موافقت او اعتبار د پاره تر ټولونه لویه د بازار برخه لري۔ د مثال په توګه ګرمی کښې مقامی درجہ حرارت 50 ڈګری سینټی ګریډ ته و رسیږی ، لہذا ایکس سی ایم جی ہائیډرولک نظام له 60 ډګری د معیار په مطابق جوړ کړی دے کوم سره د کار کولو کارکردګی کښې نمایاں اضافہ کیږی۔https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1534494/1.jpg

دریں اثنا، وسطی ایشیاء د ګرم آب و ہوا د پاره عام آغاز له یقینی جوړولو د پاره داسی کرینونو ضرورت وی چی د هغی انجن ګرمی نه وړاندی خصوصیت لری، او چیسس ډیزائن له د سړک تمام حالاتو له خپلولو د پاره ډیر کرشن او ګرفت طاقت فراہم کولو ضرورت دے۔

آسټریلیائی صارفینو د پاره ، ایکس سی ایم جی سلنډرز نوی سر نه ډیزائن ګړو, وزن او اسکیلنګ فنکشن اضافے د پاره د ده  د سامان دوبارہ پروګرام کړے دے کوم چی پیچیدہ ماحول سره هم آهنګ کیدو ضروریات پورا کوی۔

سائټ مطابق، بیرون ملک مقیم تعمیراتی مشینریانو مارکیټنو کښې د سخت ضرورتونو باوجود ، ایکس سی ایم جی خپل عالمی ترقیاتی حکمت عملی له بغیر څه حد پوری فروغ ورکړو او وس هغه  2،000 نه زیات تکنیکی د پیټنټونو  مالک دے ، کوم ده منتقلی تکمیل نه تر ټکنالوجی کښې وړاندی روان دے ، دا زمونږ مضبوط ترقی د صلاحیت له ظاہروی۔ د ایکس سی ایم جی کار پوهه۔

ایکس سی ایم جی ګاہکانوں د پاره بہتر مصنوعات راوړلو د پاره مسلسل تعمیراتی مشینری ټیکنالوجیز له بدلوی۔  مئی کښې ایکس سی ایم جی 8  نوی کرین مصنوعات لانچ کړه کوم مارکیټ د طلب پورا کولو د پاره ډیزائن شوی دی۔  معروف G1 نسل د پلیټ فارم بنیاد باندی تیار شوی ، نوی ماډل خپل اعلی کارکردګی، صحت سره متعلق، قابل اعتماد، توانائی د بچت او  قدر د پاره  صنعت د توجہ کښې شاملیږی۔

په تیر کالونو دوران کښې، ایکس سی ایم جی مختلف بنیادی ډھانچے د تعمیر له فروغ ورکولو د پاره بیرون ملک متعدد لوی تعمیراتی منصوبو کښې حصه واخسته، کوم کښې د دنیا ټولو نه لوی آئل ریفائنری پراجیکټ ډانګوټ ریفائنری، بنګلہ دیش کښې پدما ریل پل، صوبہ سولوسی کښې لوی پیمانے باندی نکل آئرن منصوبہ شامل دا۔  انډونیشیا ، دوحہ دوخان ایکسپریس وے سمیت په قطر کښې۔

 ایکس سی ایم جی په باره کښې

ایکس سی ایم جی یو ملټی نیشنل ہیوی مشینری مینوفیکچرنګ کمپنی دا چی کوم  عمر 78 کال دے۔ د وخت دا په دنیا تعمیراتی مشینری په صنعت کښې دریم نمبر لری۔ دا کمپنی غونډی دنیا کښې 187 نه زیات ممالک او خطو کښې برآمدات کوی۔

فوټو –https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1534494/1.jpg

XCMG Delivers Over 100 Units of Geographically Customized Cranes to International Customers

XUZHOU, China, June 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — XCMG (SHE:000425) has delivered more than 100 units of cranes ranging from 50 to 260 tonnage to overseas markets on Jun. 7th that will serve in various infrastructure projects.

XCMG has customized and optimized the cranes according to the different regions’ climate and operation scenarios as well as customers’ specific needs.

In the Middle East, the tropical desert climate requires cranes to be resistant to high temperatures and dust, and XCMG cranes have the largest market share for their high adaptability and reliability. For example, the local temperature can reach 50 degrees Celsius in summer, so XCMG has optimized the hydraulic system to the standard of 60 degrees that significantly improves working efficiency.

Meanwhile, the frigid climate of Central Asia requires cranes to have an engine preheating feature to ensure normal starts, and the chassis designs need to provide huge traction and grip power to adapt to all road conditions.

For Australian customers, XCMG has redesigned the cylinders and reprogrammed the equipment to add the scaling function for loads that accommodate hoisting requirements in complicated environments.

Despite overseas construction machinery markets having much stricter requirements, XCMG unswervingly promotes its global development strategy and now owns more than 2,000 technical patents, completing the transition from leading in scale to leading in technology, which demonstrates our strong development potential, said the on-site Expert from XCMG.

XCMG has been ceaselessly innovating construction machinery technologies to bring better products for customers. In May, XCMG launched eight new crane products that have been designed to cater to market demand. Developed based on the leading G1-generation platform, the new models have come into industry focus for their high performance, precision, reliability, energy efficiency and value.

Over the years, XCMG has participated in many major construction projects overseas to promote varied infrastructure construction, including the world’s “largest oil refinery” project Dangote Refinery, the Padma Rail Bridge in Bangladesh, the large-scale nickel-iron project in Sulawesi Province in Indonesia, the Doha-Dukhan Expressway in Qatar among others.

About XCMG

XCMG is a multinational heavy machinery manufacturing company with a history of 78 years. It currently ranks third in the world’s construction machinery industry. The company exports to more than 187 countries and regions around the world.

J.P. Morgan Securities PLC: DAE Funding LLC Post-stabilisation Period Announcement

Not for distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States or any jurisdiction in which such distribution would be unlawful.

DAE Funding LLC

 Post-stabilisation Period Announcement

LONDON, June 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Further to the pre-stabilisation period announcement dated 15th  June 21, J.P. Morgan Securities plc, (contact: Emma Lovett 0207 134 2468) hereby gives notice that no stabilisation (within the meaning of Article 3.2(d) of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU/596/2014) or the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority) was undertaken by the Stabilisation Manager(s) named below in relation to the offer of the following securities.

Issuer: DAE Funding LLC
Guarantor (if any): N/A
Aggregate nominal amount: USD 1bn
Description: USD 3yr Senior Unsecured  REG S/144A  Notes
Listing: Nasdaq Dubai
Stabilisation Manager(s): J.P. Morgan Securities plc (Stabilisation coordinator)
Credit Agricole CIB (Stabilisation Manager(s))
BNP Paribas SA (Stabilisation Manager(s))
Emirates NBD capital (Stabilisation Manager(s))
Truist Securities (Stabilisation Manager(s))
Offer price: 99.427%

This announcement is for information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to underwrite, subscribe for or otherwise acquire or dispose of any securities of the Issuer in any jurisdiction

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.

Nikkiso Cryogenic Services Announces Asas Aljood (Saudi Arabia) to Become the Authorized Service Provider

TEMECULA, Calif., June 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries’ Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (“Group”), a subsidiary of Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japan), is proud to announce they have signed an agreement for Asas Aljood to become the Authorized Service Provider for Nikkiso Cryogenic Services (NCS) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

With the growth of the Middle East market, this agreement allows the Group to extend their regional presence for the industrial gases, hydrogen, natural gas processing and petrochemical industries. Beginning July 1, 2021, Asas Aljood will utilize their local workshops to offer aftermarket service and support for both pumps and turbo expanders including packaging, repairs, spare parts and field service.

Based in Dammam, Asas Aljood will serve to strengthen our existing regional presence in addition to the Group’s Middle East operation in Sharjah (UAE).

“The newly formed partnership with Nikkiso and Asas Aljood gives us strong regional presence in Saudi Arabia and strengthens our ability to better serve the Middle East markets,” according to Jim Estes, President, Nikkiso Cryogenic Services. “I am looking forward to continuing to provide Nikkiso’s customers top quality service and support by eliminating costly downtime to their operations and processes.”

Asas Aljood is a leading provider of support and maintenance services in the oil & gas, petrochemical and energy industries, among others.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (now a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) member companies manufacture engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment and small-scale process plants for the liquefied natural gas (LNG), well services and industrial gas industries. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly-controlled group of approximately 20 operating entities.

For more information please visit www.nikkisoCEIG.com and www.nikkiso.com.


Anna Quigley

LeddarTech Congratulates the MILLA Group’s Debut of Their Autonomous POD Equipped With the Leddar Pixell at Two Major June Events, Including the French Grand Prix 2021 F1 Race

MILLA Group Introduces Their Autonomous Shuttle Equipped With the Leddar Pixell LiDAR at Two Major June Events.

MILLA Group has selected LeddarTech sensing solutions as a critical contributor to the autonomous enablement of the MILLA POD, adopting the Leddar™ Pixell 3D solid-state LiDAR.

QUEBEC CITY, June 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, a global leader in Level 1-5 ADAS and AD sensing technology, is pleased to announce that its customer, France-based MILLA Group, has selected LeddarTech sensing solutions as a critical contributor to the autonomous enablement of the MILLA POD. MILLA has adopted LeddarTech’s award-winning 3D solid-state LiDAR, Leddar™ Pixell, for its 180-degree field of view and highly reliable object detection capabilities.

The MILLA Group, located in France, develops and markets an autonomous electric shuttle. MILLA is a leader in mobility and an essential resource for all public and private organizations wishing to implement an adapted, efficient, and sustainable mobility solution. MILLA will feature their fully autonomous electric POD vehicles, equipped with the Leddar Pixell, at two major June events in France.

June 16-19 VIVA Technology Conference in Paris, France

MILLA will showcase its fully autonomous POD shuttle at the world-renowned VIVA Technology Conference. This prestigious event involves representation from 125 countries. This year will feature such esteemed speakers as Tim Cook, CEO of Apple and Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, and include the participation of over 13,000 startups.

June 17-20 Grand Prix de France de Formule 1 / Smart and Sustainable Mobility at Le Castellet, France

The MILLA fully autonomous POD will take center stage at the Smart & Sustainable Mobility event organized on-site at the French Grand Prix Formula 1 race, one of the world’s most popular sporting events. The MILLA POD will demonstrate its world-class technology and innovative approach to enhanced safety. The POD will operate fully autonomously without an onboard safety driver. Utilizing various sensors, including the Leddar Pixell, the POD creates a virtual safety and security bubble. Unlike many other autonomous shuttles, the MILLA POD will be supervised remotely by a monitoring engineer who can intervene and take control of the vehicle if needed. This innovative safety redundancy system is being further developed and will soon be available to enable one person to monitor up to 10 PODs at any one time. MILLA engineers have pioneered a significant step towards even greater safety technology that accelerates consumer confidence in the adoption of fully autonomous vehicles.

“I congratulate the MILLA Group on their participation in these prestigious events,” stated LeddarTech’s CEO, Charles Boulanger. “LeddarTech is honored to have contributed to their sensor suite by having our Leddar Pixell selected by the MILLA Group. The MILLA Group is committed to the safety and welfare of passengers and vulnerable road users, and LeddarTech shares their commitment. This recognition for safety first was also recognized by the RATP Group, a State-owned public transport operator present in 13 countries and on 4 continents, tasked with evaluating and qualifying autonomous public vehicles. The RATP reported that the operating systems of the MILLA POD, which included the Leddar Pixell, meet the stringent qualification requirements,” concluded Mr. Boulanger.

“The MILLA Group is proud of the innovative approach we have taken in the development of our autonomous vehicles,” stated MILLA Group’s President Frédéric Mathis. “The decision to engage with LeddarTech has enabled us to have full confidence in the ability of our MILLA PODs to operate safely and efficiently,” Mr. Mathis continued. “It is a tremendous opportunity for our company and a testament to our technology to have the opportunity to demonstrate our PODs at Grand Prix de France de Formule 1 / Smart and Sustainable Mobility and to present our technology at VIVA Technology Conference,” concluded Mr. Mathis.

About MILLA Group

MILLA Group is a leading independent French company of engineers specialized in the design, development, fabrication, and experimentation of new mobility products and services. MILLA’s new mobility concept provides a sustainable, modular, scalable, and adaptable transporting service accessible to everyone. Since 2019, MILLA’s shuttles have been rolling daily on open roads at the speed of 30 km/h in autonomous mode, a unique service on Earth. Today MILLA is the only mobility provider proposing on-demand and multi-modal transportation solutions (people and goods) for rural and peri-urban zones. The technologies implemented by MILLA Group have significant impacts also on the automotive industry. Major world-leading companies use MILLA’s services, such as robotization and automation of vehicles and their experimentation on open roads. www.millagroup.fr/

Contact: Éric Gendarme, Managing Director, MILLA Group, eric.g@milla.net

About LeddarTech

LeddarTech is a leader in environmental sensing platforms for autonomous vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems. Founded in 2007, LeddarTech has evolved to become a comprehensive end-to-end environmental sensing company by enabling customers to solve critical sensing and perception challenges across the entire value chain of the automotive and mobility market segments. With its LeddarVision™ sensor-fusion and perception platform and its cost-effective, scalable, and versatile LiDAR development solution for automotive-grade solid-state LiDARs based on the LeddarEngine™, LeddarTech enables Tier 1-2 automotive system integrators to develop full-stack sensing solutions for autonomy level 1 to 5. These solutions are actively deployed in autonomous shuttles, trucks, buses, delivery vehicles, smart cities/factories, and robotaxi applications. The company is responsible for several innovations in cutting-edge automotive and mobility remote-sensing applications, with over 95 patented technologies (granted or pending) enhancing ADAS and autonomous driving capabilities.

Additional information about LeddarTech is accessible at www.leddartech.com and on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-President, Global Marketing, Communications, and Product Management, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ext. 232

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarSteer, LeddarEngine, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, LeddarCore, VAYADrive, VayaVision, and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of LeddarTech Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names, and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/407e36d4-3e07-4f71-9bf4-c5daf605a7b6

Uberall raises $115M, Signs Agreement to Acquire MomentFeed

Combination Creates New Global Leader for ‘Near Me’ Customer Experience Solutions.

LOS ANGELES and BERLIN, June 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Uberall, a global leader in ‘Near Me’ Marketing SaaS solutions announced today it received a capital investment of $115 million led by Bregal Milestone, Level Equity, United Internet and Uberall management, which will be deployed to accelerate growth in the U.S. and Canada.

As part of its growth strategy Uberall is simultaneously announcing it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire MomentFeed, the leading provider of Proximity Search Optimization in North America. Together Uberall and MomentFeed create a new, more powerful ‘Near Me’ Customer Experience platform with unsurpassed capabilities and global reach. The combined company will manage the online presence of 1.35 million business locations, more than any other current competitor. MomentFeed and Uberall count many of the world’s largest and most recognizable multi-location brands as their customers, including BP, KFC, Marks and Spencer, McDonald’s and Pizza Hut.

“As consumers re-emerge from a year or more of lockdowns, businesses are rebounding, and they must be able to match growing consumer demands to receive the in-store experiences and services they expect,” said Florian Hübner, co-founder and CEO of Uberall. “The combination of Uberall and MomentFeed helps us become the clear category leader with more innovative products, a world-class team, and the financial resources to fully deliver on the opportunity.”

Uberall and MomentFeed are long-time business partners with a similar vision and complementary product suite. The combined platform will bring together Uberall’s market-leading listings and reputation management products, as well as first-to-market features like Google local ads, and combine them with MomentFeed’s best-in-class local social capabilities, customer sentiment analysis and enterprise-grade service offering.

“As we saw the market trending towards consolidation, we considered several potential companies to merge with. Uberall was by far our most preferred,” said MomentFeed CEO Nick Hedges. “This combination makes enormous strategic sense for our customers, who represent the who’s-who of leading U.S. omni channel brands. It helps accelerate our already rapid pace of innovation, giving customers an even greater edge in the hyper-competitive world of ’Near Me’ Marketing.”

MomentFeed CEO Nick Hedges will join Uberall’s executive leadership team as Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Vice President North America, leading Uberall’s North American business unit which will have a significant sales, service and engineering footprint in California.

“We are thrilled to partner with the Uberall team for this next phase of growth. Our strategic investment will significantly accelerate Uberall’s ambition to become the leading ‘Near Me’ Customer Experience platform worldwide. Uberall’s differentiated full-suite solution is unsurpassed by competition in terms of integration and functionality, providing customers with a real edge to reach, interact with, and convert online customers. We look forward to supporting Florian, Nick and their talented team to deliver on their exciting innovation and expansion roadmap.” said Cyrus Shey, Managing Partner of Bregal Milestone.

About Uberall

Uberall empowers the world’s biggest brands to deliver a memorable ‘Near Me’ Customer Experience — from online interactions to offline sales.

As today’s consumers expect an omnichannel experience, they do not distinguish between online and offline anymore. Thus, the ‘Near Me’ customer journey consists of all the touchpoints that a consumer has with the local outlets of a brand: from finding, persuading, buying and recommending, to returning as a regular customer. Uberall’s platform enables businesses to bridge the gap between these touchpoints and facilitates a seamless customer experience that evokes positive emotions and customer satisfaction.

Uberall, founded in 2013 and headquartered in Berlin, Germany, has offices in 6 countries with close to 300 employees. Uberall currently services over 1,600 multi-location customers across 170 countries.

For further information visit www.uberall.com | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter

About MomentFeed

MomentFeed is the leading Proximity Search Optimization platform trusted by many of the largest multi-location brands in the restaurant, retail, automotive, hospitality, and financial services industries. Proximity Search Optimization is gaining significant interest from CMOs of multi-location, national brands and franchises as a way to show up locally, at the precise moment a customer has a need. MomentFeed makes it possible for national brands to execute hyperlocal marketing campaigns at scale – driving local awareness, in-store traffic, and more calls for appointments and orders.

Founded in 2010, MomentFeed is headquartered in Santa Monica, California. An Inc 5000 Fastest Growing Privately Held Company, it was also named a Comparably Best Company.

For more information visit www.momentfeed.com | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook

Adam Brett

Election of Directors of Telecard Limited

Karachi, Telecard Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that the seven members of the Company are notified and filed with the Company of their intention to offer themselves for the Election of Directors at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on June 29, 2021.

Telecard Limited is a company incorporated in Pakistan on October 29, 1992 as a public limited company. The company is licensed to provide fully integrated telecommunication services, including basic wireless telephony, long distance and international services and payphones. The shares of the company are quoted on the Karachi and Islamabad Stock Exchanges of Pakistan. The registered office of the company is located in Islamabad.

The subsidiary companies of the group are Supernet Limited, Telecard Asia (UK) Limited, Telecard E-Solutions Private Limited, Telegateway Limited, Nexus Communications Private Limited, Glitz Communicatioon Private Limited and Globetech Communication Private Limited.

The symbol “TELE” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of Telecard Limited.

Annual General Meeting of Al-Ghazi Tractors Limited

Karachi, Al-Ghazi Tractors Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that the Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2020 and Directors and Auditors Reports thereon and Chairman’s Review Report, as circulated to the members and laid before this meeting to be and are hereby received, adopted and approved.

Al-Ghazi Tractors Limited was incorporated in Pakistan as a Public Limited Company in June 1983 and is quoted on the Pakistan Stock Exchange. Al-Ghazi Tractors Limited is principally engaged in the manufacturing and production of agricultural tractors, implements and spare parts. The company is a subsidiary of Al-Futtaim Industries Company LLC, U.A.E

The Company has the main plant in Dera Ghazi Khan and started the production in February 1984.

The Company has quoted its shares on the Pakistan Stock Exchange, and the symbol “AGTL” is being used for the shares of the Company

The total number of shares the company has issued so far are 57,964,201. Earnings Per Share has increased in 2020 and is 23.28 which was 16.87 in 2019. The Profit After Taxation in 2020 is 1,349,657,000 which was 977,652,000 in 2019.

Extraordinary General Meeting of Packages Limited

Karachi, Packages Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Company will be held on July 09, 2021 through Video Link to transact to confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on April 30, 2021.

Packages Limited is a public limited company incorporated in Pakistan. The company is principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of paper, paperboard, packaging materials and tissue products. The stocks of the company are quoted on the Karachi Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchanges of Pakistan. The registered office of the company is located in Karachi.

On September 17, 2012 the company has entered into a 50/50 joint venture with the ‘Stora Enso OYJ Group’ of Finland in its 100% wholly owned subsidiary Bulleh Shah Packaging Private Limited. The Joint Venture will include Paper & Paperboard and Corrugated business operations at Kasur and Karachi and will involve initial equity participation of Stora Enso of 35% by way of subscription of right shares with a commitment to increase the shareholding to 50% at a later stage subject to certain conditions being met. The company also decided to close down its Paper and Paperboard operations in Lahore which has divided the business into continuing and discontinued operations.

The symbol “PKGS” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of Packages Limited.

Transaction of 7,000 shares of Kohat Cement Company Limited

Karachi, Kohat Cement Company Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 7,000 shares @ Rs. 221.27 per share were sold in the market on June 15, 2021 through CDC.

Kohat Cement Company Limited is a public limited Company incorporated in Pakistan under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The company is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of cement. The product line is distributed into grey cement and white cement. The stocks of the company are quoted on the Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchanges of Pakistan. The registered office is situated at Kohat.

The associated companies of Kohat Cement are Liberty Car Park Private Limited, Palace Enterprises Private Limited, Aizaz Brothers Private Limited, Asian Hotel and Resorts Private Limited, Ace Developers Private Limited, Atta Buksh Textiles Limited and Tariq Motors Private Limited

The symbol “KOHC” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of Kohat Cement Company Limited.

Interim Distribution of Atlas Asset Management Limited

Karachi, Atlas Asset Management Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that the above entitlement will be distributed to the unit holders whose names appeared in the register of unit holder of the plan under management at the close of the business day on June 15, 2021.

Atlas Asset Management Limited (AAML), an Atlas Group Company, was incorporated on 20 August 2002 as an unlisted public limited company and is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan as an asset management company for managing open-ended funds and closed-end funds. AAML is also a licensed pension fund manager to manage voluntary pension funds.

AAML is a wholly owned subsidiary of Shirazi Investments (Pvt.) Limited (SIL). As the parent company, SIL sponsors Atlas Group projects. Atlas group is a diversified group dealing in engineering, financial services, real estate & trading.