Disclosure Reveals Director’s Spouse and Non-Executive Director Engage in Share Transactions

Karachi, In a recent disclosure, Tri-pack Films Limited has revealed that significant share transactions have taken place involving individuals associated with the company. The director's spouse and a non-executive director have both been involved in these transactions. The details of the transactions are as follows:

1. Mrs. Per Win Babar Ali, spouse of Syed Babar Ali, who serves as a non-executive director of the company, executed a gift out transaction on June 8, 2023. A total of 57,522 shares were transferred with a nominal rate of 0.00. The shares were in electronic form and were registered with the Central Depository Company (CDC). The market value of the shares at the time of the transaction is not available.

2. Syed Hyder Ali, a non-executive director of Tri-pack Films Limited, engaged in a gift in transaction on the same date, June 8, 2023. The transaction involved the acquisition of 57,522 shares with a nominal rate of 0.00. Similar to the previous transaction, the shares were in electronic form and registered with the Central Depository Company. The market value of the acquired shares is not disclosed.

The disclosure sheds light on the involvement of key individuals connected to Tri-pack Films Limited in share transactions. These transactions raise questions about the potential impact on the company's ownership structure and the motives behind these actions. The market response to these developments remains to be seen, as investors and stakeholders analyze the implications of these share transfers.

It is important to note that the disclosure of these transactions complies with regulatory requirements regarding the disclosure of interests by directors, CEOs, executives, their spouses, and substantial shareholders. Such transparency ensures transparency and accountability within the listed company and promotes investor confidence.