Extraordinary General Meeting of Landmark Spinning Industries Limited


Karachi, Landmark Spinning Industries Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that pursuant to the Order dated 20″ May 2022 of the High Court of Sindh at Karachi passed in Judicial Companies Miscellaneous No 11 of 2022 a meeting of the members of M/s. Landmark Spinning Industries Limited, will be held on June 27, 2022 at Karachi to consider and if thought fit approve, adopt and agree to the Scheme of Arrangement proposed by the Board of Directors.

One copy of the statement as required under 5.134 (3) of the Companies Act, 2017 setting out in detail the special business to be conducted in the Extra Ordinary General Meeting and the statement under S. 281 of the Companies Act, 2017 explaining the effects of the Scheme are being provided with the notice of the meeting sent to the members.

Landmark Spinning Industries Limited was incorporated in Pakistan, as a private Limited Company on October 21. 1991 and was converted into a public limited company on April 30, 1992 under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and its share are listed in Stock Exchanges in Pakistan. The registered office of the Company is located at 1st floor, cotton Exchange Building, I.I. Chundigar Road, Karachi, Pakistan; while its manufacturing facilities are located at Winder Baluchistan, Pakistan. The Principal activity of the Company is Manufacturing and sale of Yarn.

The company commenced its commercial operation, from 2001 after reactivation of plant which remained idle for the seven years. However, the company again suspended its production on November 29, 2002 to forestall the recurring losses on account of electricity breakdowns and frequent Load shedding stop gap arrangement was made to suspend operations for the time being until the market trends becomes conducive for positive results.

The symbol “LMSM” is being used by the stock exchanges for the Landmark Spinning Industries Limited