Karachi, Packages Limited has made a disclosure regarding recent transactions involving the Director CEO, an Executive, and their spouses as well as substantial shareholders. Here are the details of the transactions:
1. Mrs. Per Win Babar Ali, the spouse of Syed Babar Ali, who is an executive at the company, executed a gift transaction on June 8, 2023. She gifted out 305,303 shares of Packages Limited. The shares were transferred at a rate of 0.00 and were in CDC form. The market value of the shares at the time of the transaction is not available.
2. Syed Hyder Ali, an Executive Director at Packages Limited, engaged in a gift transaction on the same day, June 8, 2023. He received 305,303 shares of the company through this gift transaction. Similar to the previous transaction, the shares were transferred at a rate of 0.00 and were in CDC form. The market value of these shares is also not provided.
The disclosure of these transactions aims to promote transparency and fulfill the regulatory requirements pertaining to the disclosure of interest by key individuals and substantial shareholders. The company will continue to adhere to such practices to maintain a high level of corporate governance and ensure the fair treatment of all stakeholders.