Karachi, Unilever Pakistan Foods Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that the resolution were passed by the shareholders of the company at the Annual General Meeting held on April 08, 2022.
Resolved that the Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the year 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021, together with the Reports of the Auditors and Directors, now submitted, are hereby received and adopted.”
The Company is a limited liability company incorporated in Pakistan and is listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange. It manufactures and sells consumer and commercial food products under brand names of Rafhan, Knorr, Energile, Glaxose-D and Food Solutions. The Company is a subsidiary of Conopco Inc. USA, whereas its ultimate parent Company is Unilever PLC United Kingdom.
The total number of shares are 6,369,932. The Earning per share is 602.42 in 2020 which was 385.08 in 2019. The Profit after Tax is 3,837,412,000 in 2020 which was 2,452,938,000 in 2019.