Transaction of 2,016 shares of Safe Mix Concrete Limited


Karachi, Safe Mix Concrete Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 2,016 shares @ Rs. 16.94 per share were bought from the market on November 01, 2022 through CDC.

“Safe Mix Concrete Limited was incorporated on 04 April 2005 as Private Limited Company. Subsequently, it has been converted into Public Limited Company on 21 February 2007. It is involved in the production and supply of ready mix concrete, building blocks and construction of prefabricated buildings, factories and other construction sites.

The Company is listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited with the total number of shares of the Company that is 25, 000, 0000. The Earnings per shares of the Company is (3.95) in 2020 which was (1.19) in 2019. The Company had a loss of Rs. 98,777,000 in 2020 compared to the loss of Rs. 29,771,000 in 2019.”