Transmission of Annual Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2021 of Awwal Modaraba Management Limited

Karachi, Awwal Modaraba Management Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that Annual Report of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2021 have been transmitted through PUCARS and is also available on Company’s website.

Awwal Modaraba has been floated under the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba. The Modaraba is managed by the Awwal Modaraba Management Limited. It is a perpetual, multipurpose and multi-dimensional Modaraba and is primarily engaged in providing Working Capital, Term Finance, Ijarah, Musharika, Morabaha, advisory services and other Shari’ah compliant investment/instrument to credit worthy customers.

The Company was incorporated on June 5, 2014, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Pak Brunei Investment Company Limited (“Pak Brunei”).

The total numbers of shares are 100,000,000. The Earnings per share is 0.41 in 2021 which was 1.03 in 2020. The Profit after Taxation is 41,028,000 in 2021 which was 102,646,000 in 2020.