Karachi, Allied Rental Modaraba informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that board of directors meeting of the company will be held on September 07, 2021 at Karachi. The agenda of the meeting will to consider the Annual Accounts for the period ended June 30, 2021.
Further, the company has declared the closed period from September 01, 2021 to September 07, 2021.
Allied Rental Modaraba was formed under the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Floatation and Control) Ordinance, 1980 and the Rules framed thereunder and is managed by Allied Engineering Management Company (Private) Limited (the ‘Modaraba Management Company’), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Allied Engineering and Services (Private) Limited. The Modaraba is a perpetual Modaraba and is primarily engaged in rental / Ijarah and operation and maintenance of Caterpillar and other equipment (i.e. generators, forklifts, compactors, etc.).
The Company is listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange and quoted the shares. The symbol “ARM” is being used for the shares of the Company
The total number of shares the company has issued are 220,000,000. Earning Per Share has decreased in 2020 and is 1.03 compared to 1.74 in 2019. The Profit After Taxation has also decreased in 2020 which is 227,521,000 and it was 382,854,000 in 2019.