Transaction of 1,157,944 shares of Nestle Pakistan Limited


Karachi, Nestle Pakistan Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 1,157,944 shares @ Rs. 6000.00 per share were bought from the market on September 07, 2021 through NDM.

Nestle Pakistan Limited is a public limited company incorporated in Pakistan. The foundations of the company are formed under the Companies Act, 1913 now the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The company is engaged in the business of manufacturing, processing and sale of food products. This includes imported products dairy, confectionery, culinary, coffee, beverages, infant nutrition and drinking water. The shares of the company are quoted on the Karachi and Lahore stock exchanges of Pakistan. The registered office of the company is situated in Lahore.

The company owns brands in the category of ambient dairy, chilled dairy, beverages, bottled water, culinary and food, baby food, breakfast cereals and confectionary.

The symbol “NESTLE” is being used by the stock exchange for the shares of Nestle Pakistan Limited.