Karachi, Bank Al-Falah Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 64,980 shares @ Rs. 31.94 per share were bought from the market on July 13, 2021, 1,550,000 shares @ Rs. 31.95 per share were bought from the market on July 13, 2021, 250,000 shares @ Rs. 31.96 per share were bought from the market on July 13, 2021¸50,000 shares @ Rs. 31.97 per share were bought from the market on July 13, 2021, 350,000 shares @ Rs. 31.98 per share were bought from the market on July 13, 2021 and 100,000 shares @ Rs. 32.00 per share were bought from the market on July 13, 2021 through CDC.
Bank Alfalah Limited is a Public Interest Company, was incorporated in Pakistan as a Public Limited Company on June 21, 1992. Bank Alfalah has international presence as well and working in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bahrain and the UAE. The Bank also has a representative office in Abu Dhabi. Bank Alfalah is owned and operated by the Abu Dhabi Group.
They provides financial solutions to consumers, corporations, institutions and governments for products and services, including corporate and investment banking, consumer banking and credit, securities brokerage, commercial, SME, agri-finance, Islamic and asset financing solutions.
The symbol “BAFL” is used in respect of the shares of the Bank.
The number of shares the company has introduced are 1,777,165,119. The Earnings per shares has decreased in 2020 and is 5.89 which was 7.15 in 2019. The profit after taxation in 2020 is 10,474,910,000 compare to 12,695,517,000 in 2019.