Transmission of Quarterly Report for the Period Ended June 30, 2021 of IGI life Insurance Company Limited

Karachi, IGI life Insurance Company Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that Quarterly Report of the Company for the period ended June 30, 2021 have been transmitted through PUCARS and is also available on Company’s website.

IGI Life Insurance Limited (IGI Life) has marked the entry of IGI Financial Services into the Life Insurance arena through acquisition of controlling shares in American Life Insurance Company (Pakistan) Limited in April 2014. IGI Life is a leading provider of Life Insurance, Accident & Health Insurance and Employee Benefit Solutions. IGI Life is also amongst the first few companies who commenced Family Takaful business in 2015 under Window Takaful Operations enabling the Company to offer Shari’ah compliant products.

The symbol “IGIL” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares IGI life Insurance.