Unusual Movement in Price or Volume of Maqbool Textile Mills Limited


Karachi, Maqbool Textile Mills Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that they are not aware of any particular reason that might have led to increase led to increase in price of share of the Company. There was neither any unusual movement in volume of the traded shares during the period highlight by you nor was there any occasion which necessitated for sharing the material information required to be disclosed by us in terms of the provisions of Section 97 of the Securities Act, 2021 and Clause 5.6.3 of the Pakistan Stock Exchange Regulations.

The Group started its operations in 1958 with the incorporation of a yarn spinning unit Allawasaya Textile and Finishing Mills Limited. Since then the group has not only expanded its operations in Yarn Spinning but also diversified into other fields such as Cotton Ginning, Oil Extraction, Flour Milling and various other trade related activities.

Currently, Maqbool Group has Five Textile Spinning Mills, four Ginning Factories, an Oil Extraction Plant and a Flour Mill. Future expansion plan of the Group includes a Textile Weaving Unit, Ghee Mill and Feed Mill.

The symbol “MQTM” is being used by the stock exchange for Maqbool Textile Mills Limited.