Transaction of 3,995,888 shares of Siddiqsons Tin Plate Limited


Karachi, Siddiqsons Tin Plate Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 2,220,797 shares @ Rs. 10.91 per share were bought from the market on December 03, 2021, 1,331,136 shares @ Rs. 10.91 per share were bought from the market on December 03, 2021 and 443,955 shares @ Rs. 10.91 per share were bought from the market on December 03, 2021 through NDM.

Siddiqsons Tin Plate Limited was incorporated in Pakistan on January 29, 1996 as a public limited company by shares. The principal activity of the Company is manufacturing and sale of tin plates, cans and other steel products. Siddiqsons Tin Plate Limited is the Tin Plate Industry in Pakistan. Established in 1999, in collaboration with SOLLAC of France and MITSUBISHI CORPORATION of Japan. The factory is located at special industrial zone, Windhur Baluchistan, 95 kilometer from Karachi.

The project has a capacity to produce 120,000 tons per annum of Tin Plate, which is primarily used for making cans and containers for packaging of cooking oil, fruits, foods, vegetables, sea foods, beverages, lubricant oil and other edible stuff etc.

The total number of shares are 229,278,733. The Earnings per shares of the Company is (0.10) in 2020 which was 0.39 in 2019. The Profit After taxation in 2020 is (23,144,000) which was 86,891,000 in 2019.