Annual general meeting of Sui Southern Gas Company to be held on June 03, 2022


Karachi, Sui Southern Gas Company informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that annual general meeting of the company is scheduled to be held on June 03, 2022 at Karachi.

The agenda of the meeting will be confirming the minutes of Annual General Meeting held on August 10, 2021, to receive, consider and adopt the Annual Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2020 together with the Directors and Auditors Reports thereon, to appoint auditors for the year ending March 31, 2021 and fix their remuneration and to transact any other business with the permission of the chair.

Further, the closed period of the company is from May 27, 2022 to June 03, 2022 (both days inclusive).

Sui Southern Gas Company Limited’s main activity is transmission and distribution of natural gas in Sindh and Baluchistan. The Company is also engaged in certain activities related to the gas business including the manufacturing and sale of gas meters and construction contracts for laying of pipelines.

The total number of shares are 880,916,400. The Earnings per share is (20.88) in 2019 which was (16.86) in 2018. The Company had a loss of Rs. 18,394,768,000 in 2019 which was 14,848,208,000 in 2018.