Appointment of Directors of Ghandhara Nissan Limited


Karachi, Ghandhara Nissan Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that Mr. Sikandar Kuli Khan Khattak has been appointed as Director of the company with effect from May 12, 2022 in place of Mr. Raza Kuli Khan Khattak (Late).

Ghandhara Nissan Limited was incorporated on August 8, 1981 in Pakistan as a private limited company and subsequently converted into a public limited company on May 24, 1992. The principal business of the Holding Company is assembly / progressive manufacturing of vehicles including JAC Trucks, import and sale of Nissan, Dongfeng and Renault vehicles in Completely Built-up condition and assembly of other vehicles under contract agreement. The Company is a subsidiary of Bibojee Services (Private) Limited.

The registered office of the Company is situated at F-3, Hub Chowki Road, S.I.T.E., and Karachi. Its manufacturing facilities are located at Port Qasim, Karachi and regional offices in Lahore and Rawalpindi. The Company’s shares are listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited.

The total numbers of shares are 57,002,500. The Earnings per share is (3.62) in 2020 which was (0.51) in 2019. The Company had a loss of Rs. 206,623,000 in 2020 which was 28,806,000 in 2019.