Nishat Chunian Power Limited Announces Board Meeting to Review Annual Financial Statements

Stock Exchange Announcements

Lahore: A meeting of the Board of Directors of Nishat Chunian Power Limited will take place on 03 September 2024 in Lahore to deliberate on the annual financial statements for the fiscal year ending 30 June 2024. The Company has instituted a "Closed Period" from 27 August 2024 until 03 September 2024, during which no director, CEO, or executive is permitted to trade shares of the company.

The closed period is mandated under Clause 5.6.4 of the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) Regulations, ensuring compliance and governance standards are upheld during the sensitive period leading up to the financial review. According to information available from the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), this measure is crucial to maintaining the integrity of financial disclosures and the market's trust.

The board's review of the financial statements is a routine part of the company’s annual financial cycle, aimed at assessing the company's financial health and strategic direction. The outcome of this meeting is highly anticipated by shareholders and investors, reflecting on the company’s performance and future outlook.

Notification has been issued to the TRE Certificate Holders of the Exchange to ensure all regulatory communications are in order. The financial results, once approved by the board, will be made public, providing critical financial data to the market.