ایکس جے ٹی ایل یو ایکسپرٹ : یورپی یونین اورچین ماحولیات کی بحالی پر تعاون کرنے کے لیے پر جوش ہیں

سوژو،چین،15جولائی، 2021/پی آر نیوز وائر /–ژیان جیانگ تانگ- لیورپول یونیورسٹی کے بین الاقوامی تعلقات  کے اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر ڈاکٹر ایون فنالس 19-20جولائی کو چین کے شانگشون میں مینوفکچرنگ آوٗٹ سورسنگ پر تیسرے عالمی سمٹ کے موقع پر اپنی پریزنٹیشن میں یورپی یونین کی ماحولیاتی تبدیلی کے لیے اٹھائے گئےاقدامات میں  یورپی یونین کی ترجیحات کے بارے میں بتائیں گے۔

ڈاکٹر فنالس کا کہنا ہے’’چین اور یورپی یونین نے ماحولیاتی تبدیلی،آلودگی اور ماحولیات کے لیے اب تک کئی مشترکہ منصوبے اور متحدہ حکمت عملیاں تشکیل دی ہیں۔” یورپی یونین-چین کی سٹرٹیچک شراکت کے دائرے میں رہتے ہوئے ماحولیاتی تبدیلی اور ماحولیاتی مسائل پر بات چیت کے لیے وقفمشترکہ وزارتیں ہیں اور اعلی سطح پر بات چیت  ہوتی ہے۔

’’دونوں اطراف عالمی ماحولیات کی بحالی کےلیے باہمی طور پر کام کرنے کے لیے پر جوش ہیں۔یہاں تک کہ،چین اور یورپی یونین نے ماحولیاتی تبدیلی پر پیرس معاہدے پر باہمی عملدرآمد کے لیے رضامندی ظاہر کی ہے۔‘‘

یورپی یونین کی چین کے ساتھ اختراعات پر  شراکت میں زیادہ زور 2020کے سٹرٹیجک ایجنڈا میں آیا،2013 میں ایک ایسا معاہدہ جس کے تحت دونوں شراکت داروں نے مختلف حکمت عملیوں میں اتفااق عمل میں لایا۔

ڈاکٹر فنالس کا کہنا ہے ’’یورپی یونین-چین کی سٹرٹیجک شراکت داری کے تناظر میں،یورپی یونین کےسرمایے سے چلنے والے تحقیق،اختراعات اور سائنسی ترقی کے منصوبے پہلے سے موجود ہیں۔‘‘

’’میرا خیا ل ہے کہ یورپی یونین اور چین باہمی طور پر کام کرتے ہیں گے اور ماحولیاتی تبدیلی جیسے مسائل کے لیے اختراعی حل نکالیں گے اور مزید کئی میدانوں میں،جیسے کہ تعلیم،اور COVID-19 کی وبائ کی وجہ سے موجود صحت  عامہ کے مسائل کے لیے  باہمی تعاون کی راہ نکالیں گے۔‘‘

اس پریزنٹیشن میں،ڈاکٹر فنالس  یورپی یونین کی تجارت اور صنعتی پالیسی،تحقیق اور اختراعات پر سرمایہ کاری اور یورپی یونین-چین کی دیگر اہم مقامات پر شراکت   پر بھی بات کریں گے۔

چین اور یورپی یونین نے گزشتہ سالوں میں نتیجہ خیز شراکت کی ہے،جس میں غذا اور زراعتی مصنوعات،پانی کے انتظامات،صحت،تعلیم،آفات سے بچاوٗ،ماحولیاتی تبدیلی اور ماحولیاتی تحفظ پر زیادہ توجہ دی گئی ہے۔

اب،موسمیاتی اور ماحولیاتی حکمت عملی سب سے آگے آئے گی جیسے کہ یورپی یونین کے 14جولائی کو اس کے بنیادی ’’فٹ فار 55‘‘منصوبے کا اعلان ہے تاکہ گرین ہاوٗس گیس کا اخراج کم سے کم کیاجائے۔یورپی یونین کی ایگزیکٹیو باڈی ،یورپی کمیشن کی جانب سے جاری کردہ اس منصوبے کی ،تفصیل یہ ہے کہ کس طرح 27یورپی ممالک ایک مشترکہ مقصد پر متفق ہوکر گرین ہاوٗس گیس کے اخراج کو 2030تک 1990کی سطح سے 55% تک کم کریں گے۔اور اس کا حتمی مقصد 2050تک اس اخراج کو صفر تک لاناہے۔

یہ سمٹ شانگ شون اور جیلن کے صوبوں سرپرستی میں ہوگا اور دیگر شراکت داروں میں ورلڈ ٹریڈ آرگنائزیشن،دی یونائٹیڈ نیشنز انڈسٹریل ڈیولپمنٹ آرگنائزیشن (یواین آئی ڈی او)،دی یونائٹیڈ ڈیولپمنٹ پروگرام(یو این ڈی پی)،ووکس ویگن،پی فائزر، اور بیڈو شامل ہیں۔

ایکس جے ټی ایل یو ماہر: یورپی یونین او د چین آب و ہوا حکمرانی د تعاون کښې آرزو مند دی۔

سوزو، چین، 15 جولائی ، 2021 / پی آر نیوز وائیر / – ډاکټر ایونز فانوئلس، ژیان جیاوټونګ -لیورپول یونیورسټی د بین الاقوامی تعلقاتو کښې اسسټنټ پروفیسر خپل دوران د یورپی یونین موسمیاتی تبدیلیانو اقداماتو حوالہ به ورکړی۔  په مینوفیکچرنګ آؤټ سورسنګ  کښې کیدو والا عالمی سربراہ اجلاس کښې د یورپی یونین د جدت ترجیحات په باره کښې پیش کش۔ چانګچن، چین 19۔20 جولائی۔

“چین او یورپی یونین ترننه موسمیاتی تبدیلی ، آلودګی نه متعلق مشترکہ منصوبے او ہم آہنګی تیار کړے دا۔  ډاکټر فینولیس وائی۔ “ماحولیات ، مشترکہ وزارتی او د اعلی سطح مکالمے دی۔ ماحولیاتی تبدیلی او ماحولیاتی امور EU چین اسټریټجک شراکت داری د فریم ورک پکښې دی۔ چی په د اہم امورو  باندی ډیر تعاون لری۔

“دواړه فریقان د عالمی آب و ہوا حکمرانی په حوالے سره یو ځائی کار کولو خواهشمند دی۔ د مقصد دپاره، چین او یورپی یونین د موسمیاتی تبدیلی نه متعلق پیرس معاہدے باندی مشترکہ طور سره عہد کولو اتفاق کړے دے۔ ”

د یوروپی یونین چین سره جدت په  بارے کې تعاون باندی خاص طور سره د 2020 اسټریټجک ایجنډے کښې زور ورکړو۔دواړو شراکت دارانو مابین د 2013 معاہدہ په مختلف پالیسی شعبوں کښې ہم آہنګی قائم کوی۔

“د یوروپی یونین چین اسټریټجک شراکت داری په تناظر کښې یورپی یونین لومړی منصوبو باندی فنډ فراہم کړے دے۔

“تحقیق ، جدت او سائنسی ترقی ،” ډاکټر فانوولیس وائی۔ “زما ګنجائش دا دے چی یورپی یونین او چین به یو ځائی کار کوی او د ده پاره  جدد حل به تلاش کوی۔ د آب و ہوا تبدیلی شان مسائل او تعلیم په شان په دیګر شعبو کښې باہمی تعاون سره متعلق د اقداماتو مزید تلاش وکړی شي او عوامی صحت ، کوویډ 19 وبائی مرض د بحران وجه هم دا ۔ ”

ډاکټر فانولیس خپل پیش کش کښې د یورپی یونین تجارتی او صنعتی پالیسیانو ، د یورپی یونین خبره به هم وکړی۔تحقیق او جدت او د یورپی یونین چین تعاون سره په نور اہم شعبوں کښې سرمایہ کاری۔

چین او یوروپی یونین حالیہ کالونو کښې خوړل او څکلو باندی توجہ ورکولو سره نتیجہ خیز تعاون کړے دے۔  زرعی مصنوعات ، د اوبو انتظام ، صحت ، تعلیم ، د آفاتو  رسک مینیجمنټ ، په آب و ہوا کښې تبدیلی او ماحولیاتی تحفظ۔

وس د یورپی یونین 14 جولائی د اعلان نه پس آب و ہوا او ماحولیاتی پالیسی به د ټولو وړاندی راشی۔ ګرین ہاؤس د ګیسونو اخراج له کمولو د پاره  د ده صفائی”55 د پاره مناسب” منصوبہ په ذریعہ جاری کردہ منصوبہ۔ یوروپی کمیشن کوم د یورپی یونین ایګزیکټو ادارہ ده د ده په  بارے کښې تفصیلات ودل دی چی 27 د یورپی یونین اجتماعی ملکونو ته څنګه ملاویدے شی۔ 2030 پوری نیټ ګرین ہاؤس ګیسونو د اخراج له د 1990 په سطح باندی 55٪ پوری کمول غواړی۔ حتمی مقصد — نیټ-2050 پوری صفر اخراج۔

د ده سمټ سرپرستی چانګچن او د جیلن صوبے حکام او شراکت دارانو کښې کوی۔ تجارتی تنظیم ، د اقوام متحدہ د صنعتی ترقی تنظیم (یو این آئی ډی او) ، اقوام متحدہ ډویلپمنټ پروګرام (یو این ډی پی) ، ووکس ویګن ، بی ایم ډبلیو ، فائزر او بیدو۔

XJTLU Expert: EU and China keen to cooperate on climate governance

SUZHOU, China, July 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Dr Evans Fanoulis, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Assistant Professor in International Relations, will refer to the EU’s climate change actions during his presentation on the EU’s innovation priorities at the 3rd Global Summit on Manufacturing Outsourcing in Changchun, China, 19-20 July.

“China and EU have so far developed joint projects and synergies regarding climate change, pollution and the environment,” Dr Fanoulis says. “There are joint ministerial and high-level dialogues devoted to climate change and environmental issues within the framework of the EU-China strategic partnership. There is considerable cooperation on these crucial issues.

“Both sides are keen on working together regarding global climate governance. To this end, China and EU have agreed to jointly commit to the Paris Agreement on climate change.”

EU’s collaboration with China on innovation was particularly emphasized in the 2020 Strategic Agenda, a 2013 agreement between the two partners establishing synergies in different policy areas.

“Within the context of the EU-China strategic partnership, the EU has already funded projects on research, innovation and scientific development,” Dr Fanoulis says.

“My hunch is that the EU and China will keep on working closely and devise innovative solutions to problems like climate change and further explore collaborative initiatives in other fields, such as education and public health, also due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.”

In his presentation, Dr Fanoulis will also refer to the EU’s trade and industrial policies, the EU’s investment on research and innovation and the EU-China collaboration in other key areas.

China and the European Union have productively collaborated in recent years, with focus on food and agricultural products, water management, health, education, disaster risk management, climate change and environmental protection.

Now, climate and environmental policy will come to the forefront given the EU’s 14 July announcement of its sweeping “Fit for 55” plan to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions. The plan released by the European Commission, the EU’s executive body, details how the 27 EU countries can meet a collective goal to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 by 55% of 1990 levels. The ultimate goal—net-zero emissions by 2050.

The summit is sponsored by the Changchun and Jilin province authorities and partners include the World Trade Organisation, the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Volkswagen, BMW, Pfizer, and Baidu.

Sweegen’s Bestevia® Rebaudioside M Approved in Europe

Forging the future with better sugar reduction solutions for food and beverages in the region.

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., July 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sweegen’s footprint in Europe became stronger after the European Union Commission published its approval of Sweegen’s non-GMO Signature Bestevia Rebaudioside M (Reb M) for use in food and beverages.

The approval of Sweegen’s Signature Bestevia Reb M leads the future of wellness in food and drink in Europe. Brands in Europe now have access to the best-tasting highly sought-after stevia sweetener. The availability broadens the toolkit for sugar alternatives to reimagine food and drink, opening new doors for creating healthy products for consumers.

“Sweegen’s Signature Bestevia Reb M approval is a celebration of good health and wellness for product developers and consumers alike,” said Luca Giannone, SVP of Sales. “This is just one of our many milestones in Europe to transform products for having a positive and lasting impact on our ever-evolving health.”

Consumers are increasingly aware of the need to reduce sugar in their diets for better health. Yet, when they are making decisions for purchasing food and beverages, consumers will ultimately select the brand with the best taste. Therefore, tackling the toughest sugar reduction challenges is a priority for brands as taste is the reason for repeat purchases.

The soft drinks industry in Europe is making a pledge to cut added sugars in Europe. The Union of European Soft Drinks Associations (UNESDA) announced on June 29 this year to reduce average added sugars in its beverages by another 10% across Europe by 2025.

In its further commitment to Europe, Sweegen has aligned the availability of its Reb M with commercializing the high-purity sweetener at its manufacturing facility in Europe. The facility is open in Europe for helping food and beverage manufacturers with rapid production and low cost-in-use sugar reduction solutions.

To compliment the approval of Reb M, Sweegen invested in designing and building its Innovation Studio in Reading, England, near London. The studio opened its doors in January 2021 with a full applications team to collaborate with food and beverage manufacturers on exploring the entire consumer landscape to understand what trends are driving consumer behavior, and then provide inspirational ingredients to represent those trend drivers.

“Our rapid innovation in application development enables our customer-focused solutions to help manufacturers create great-tasting, clean, natural, plant-based, sustainable products that meet today’s end-consumer needs and desires,” said Giannone.

Around the world, Sweegen’s Innovation Studios are open globally: Southern California, Mexico City, Reading (London) and very soon in Singapore. These studios will leverage local tastes and knowledge while serving as creative centers to explore and discover product innovations motivated by consumer trends and regional tastes.

“Sweegen’s global regulatory mission is the hallmark of opening new sugar reduction opportunities to manufacturers and brands for replacing sugar in foods and beverages, nutritional products, and many other market products world-wide,” said Hadi Omrani, director of regulatory affairs. “Europe is an important region in our global regulatory vision as we continually forge the future of wellness in food and drink around the world.”

Sweegen offers brands cost-effective and rapid innovation for sugar reduction solutions for beverage, dairy, savory and bakery with its Bestevia Taste Solutions for Europe.

Sweegen is the first company to receive the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) panel’s safety status for any steviol glycoside produced by alternative and sustainable technologies. To achieve high purity clean-tasting stevia leaf sweeteners, Sweegen uses a bioconversion process starting with the stevia leaf. This process enabled Sweegen to obtain the Non-GMO Project verification for its Signature Bestevia stevia sweeteners in the U.S. market.

Bestevia Reb M was commercialized in 2017 and has already been approved in many regions around the world.

About Sweegen

Sweegen provides sweet taste solutions for food and beverage manufacturers around the world.

We are on a mission to reduce the sugar and artificial sweeteners in our global diet.  Partnering with customers, we create delicious zero-sugar products that consumers love.  With the best Signature Stevia sweeteners in our portfolio such as Bestevia® Rebs B, D, E, I, M, and N, along with our deep knowledge of flavor modulators and texturants, Sweegen delivers market-leading solutions that customers want and consumers prefer.

For more information, please contact info@sweegen.com and visit Sweegen’s website, www.sweegen.com.

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including, among other statements, statements regarding the future prospects for Reb M stevia leaf sweetener. These statements are based on current expectations, but are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and are beyond the control of Sweegen, Inc.

Relevant risks and uncertainties include those referenced in the historic filings of Sweegen, Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the forward-looking statements, and therefore should be carefully considered. Sweegen, Inc. assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of new information or future events or developments.


Ana Arakelian


Annual General Meeting of Chashma Sugar Mills Limited

Karachi, Chashma Sugar Mills Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that the resolution passed and adopted by the members in the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on July 14, 2021.

Chashma Sugar Mills Limited is a company incorporated in Pakistan on May 5, 1988 as a public limited company. The foundations of the company are laid under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The commercial production of the company started from October 01, 1992. The company is engaged principally in the manufacture and sale of white sugar. The company is a subsidiary of The Premier Sugar Mills and Distillery Company Limited. The stocks of the company are quoted on the Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad stock exchanges of Pakistan. The head office of the company is located in Islamabad.

The symbol “CHAS” is being used by the stock exchange for the shares of Chashma Sugar Mills Limited.

Transaction of 900 shares of Packages Limited

Karachi, Packages Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 900 shares @ Rs. 515.00 per share were bought from the market on July 14, 2021 through CDC.

Packages Limited is a public limited company incorporated in Pakistan. The company is principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of paper, paperboard, packaging materials and tissue products. The stocks of the company are quoted on the Karachi Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchanges of Pakistan. The registered office of the company is located in Karachi.

On September 17, 2012 the company has entered into a 50/50 joint venture with the ‘Stora Enso OYJ Group’ of Finland in its 100% wholly owned subsidiary Bulleh Shah Packaging Private Limited. The Joint Venture will include Paper & Paperboard and Corrugated business operations at Kasur and Karachi and will involve initial equity participation of Stora Enso of 35% by way of subscription of right shares with a commitment to increase the shareholding to 50% at a later stage subject to certain conditions being met. The company also decided to close down its Paper and Paperboard operations in Lahore which has divided the business into continuing and discontinued operations.

The symbol “PKGS” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of Packages Limited.

Book Closure of Next Capital Limited

Karachi, Next Capital Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that the share transfer book closure of the Company shall remain closed from August 05, 2021 to August 11, 2021 (both days inclusive).

Next Capital Limited is a company incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company on December 14, 2009. The foundations of the company are laid under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The company is a member of the Karachi Stock Exchange Limited and a member of Pakistan Mercantile Exchange Limited. The company is principally engaged in the brokerage of shares, stocks, securities, commodities and other financial instruments and consultancy services. The company is engaged in trading in equity and debt securities on its own account through ready, spot and forward counters of the exchange. The shares of the company are quoted on Karachi Stock Exchanges of Pakistan. The registered office of the company is situated at Karachi.

The symbol “NEXT” is being used by the stock exchange for the shares of Next Capital Limited.

Transaction of 8,870 shares of Suraj Cotton Mills Limited

Karachi, Suraj Cotton Mills Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 8,870 shares @ Rs. 0.00 per share were Inheritance-In on July 09, 2021.

Suraj Cotton Mills Limited is a company incorporated in Pakistan. It is a public limited company the foundations of which are laid under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The principal business activity of the company is a manufacture, trading and sale of yarn. It is also engaged in the processing of cloth. The shares of the company are quoted on Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges of Pakistan. The registered office of the company is located at Lahore.

The symbol “SURC” is being used by the stock exchange for the shares of Suraj Cotton Mills Limited.

Resignation of Member of Pakistan State Oil Company Limited

Karachi, Pakistan State Oil Company Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that Mr, Sajid Mehmood Qazi has resigned as Member of the Board of the Company with effect from June 28, 2021.

Pakistan State Oil Company Limited is a public limited company incorporated in Pakistan in 1976. The foundations of the company are laid using the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The principle activities of the company are procurement, storage and marketing of petroleum and related products. The company is also known for blending various kinds of lubricating oils. The stocks of the company are quoted on the Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchanges of Pakistan. The registered office of the company is located in Karachi.

The products which the company sells include Motor Gasoline, High Speed Diesel, Furnace Oil, Jet Fuel, Kerosene, CNG, LPG, Petrochemicals and Lubricants. The distribution network of the company comprises of 3,689 outlets out of which 3,500 outlets serve the retail sector and 189 outlets serve the bulk customers. In addition to retail customers more than 2,000 industrial units, business houses, power plants and airlines are being fueled by the company. The associated companies of PSO are Asia Petroleum Limited with 49% shareholding and Pak Grease Company Limited with 22% shareholding percentage. The industry association and trade bodies of the company include Management Association of Pakistan and World Economic Forum.

The symbol “PSO” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of Pakistan State Oil Company Limited.

Interim Bonus Share of Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited

Karachi, Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that they have credited the 20% interim Bonus Shares announced on April 27, 2021 to the CDC Shareholders respective accounts in the Central Depository System (CDS) of Central Depository of Pakistan Limited on July 14, 2021 and the Physical shares certificates in respect of bonus shares will be dispatched to the shareholders through the courier on or before July 20, 2021.

Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited was established in the year of 1953. The company was incorporated in Pakistan on April 01, 1953 and listing in the Karachi Stock Exchange in 1970. The manufacturing wing is an essential component in Gul Ahmed’s operations. The manufacturing cycle, which includes spinning, weaving, processing, designing and stitching, results in an end product.

With an installed capacity of more than 51,840 spindles, 300 state-of-the-art weaving machines and yarn dyeing, processing & stitching units, Gul Ahmed is a composite unit – making everything from cotton yarn to finished products. Gul Ahmed has its own captive power plant comprising of gas engines, gas & steam turbines, and backup diesel engines. Gul Ahmed has also set up a waste water treatment plant to treat 100% of its effluent, bringing it to NEQS levels.

Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited is listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange, quoted shares of it that are 513,353,556. The Earnings per shares of the Company is (1.12) in 2020 which was 8.44 in 2019. The Profit after Taxation in 2020 was (479,365,000) which was 3,609,220,000 in 2019.

Appointment of Chief Executive Officer of Dadex Eternit Limited

Karachi, Dadex Eternit Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that Mr. Samad Dada has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the Company with effect from July 15, 2021 in place of Mr. Qazi Sajid Ali.

Dadex Eternit Limited is a limited liability company incorporated in Pakistan on April 13, 1959 as a public limited company under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Sikander Private Limited is the holding company which represents 63.18% shares of the company. The principal business activities of the company include manufacturing and sale of construction material which includes piping systems and other allied products manufactured from chrysotile cement, rubber and plastics, merchandising of imported pipe fittings, accessories and other building products. The shares of the company are quoted on the Karachi Stock Exchange of Pakistan. The registered office of the company is located in Karachi. The company operates with three factories located Karachi, Hyderabad and Lahore.

The company has a rubber plant located within Karachi which produces rubber rings to meet the international standards. Besides this the company is also associated with providing irrigation solutions for agriculture and landscaping.

The symbol “DADX” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of Dadex Eternit Limited.

Transaction of 1,275,335 shares of Bank Al-Falah Limited

Karachi, Bank Al-Falah Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 1,175,000 shares @ Rs.32.00 per share were bought from the market on July 14, 2021, 25,000 shares @ Rs32.02 per share were bought from the market on July 14, 2021 and 75,335 shares @ Rs. 32.05 per share were bought from the market on July 14, 2021 through CDC.

Bank Alfalah Limited is a Public Interest Company, was incorporated in Pakistan as a Public Limited Company on June 21, 1992. Bank Alfalah has international presence as well and working in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bahrain and the UAE. The Bank also has a representative office in Abu Dhabi. Bank Alfalah is owned and operated by the Abu Dhabi Group.

They provides financial solutions to consumers, corporations, institutions and governments for products and services, including corporate and investment banking, consumer banking and credit, securities brokerage, commercial, SME, agri-finance, Islamic and asset financing solutions.

The symbol “BAFL” is used in respect of the shares of the Bank.

The number of shares the company has introduced are 1,777,165,119. The Earnings per shares has decreased in 2020 and is 5.89 which was 7.15 in 2019. The profit after taxation in 2020 is 10,474,910,000 compare to 12,695,517,000 in 2019.