SOLVE FSHD Announces Appointment of Executive Director Dr. Eva Chin and Venture-Philanthropic Funding Structure

SOLVE FSHD’s Venture Philanthropy Model

The model will enable SOLVE FSHD to be financially self-sustainable through return on investments.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Following SOLVE FSHD’s recent acclaimed launch, the organization is pleased to formally announce the appointment of Dr. Eva Chin as the Executive Director. SOLVE FSHD’s Founder, Chip Wilson, has personally committed USD100 million to find a cure for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD), a rare disease he was diagnosed with at the age of 32. As the inaugural Executive Director for SOLVE FSHD, Dr. Chin will be responsible for aligning the organization’s goals with the expertise of researchers, scientists and companies to promote and fund the discovery and development of new therapies for FSHD.

“Dr. Chin’s experience and specialization in rare neuromuscular diseases add immense value to our organization. We are excited to gain her expertise and guidance to achieve the organization’s goal of finding a cure for FSHD by December 2027,” says Chip Wilson, SOLVE FSHD Founder. He added, “Within just a few weeks of the organization’s launch, SOLVE FSHD has received a tremendous response to the call for qualified grant applications and new therapeutic technologies, which will be reviewed under Dr. Chin’s leadership. In addition, she has worked tirelessly to build strong industry alliances for SOLVE FSHD, closely assessed the exciting projects to fund and facilitated collaborative funding opportunities across the academic and industry sectors in FSHD research and drug development.”

Dr. Chin obtained her Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of Waterloo in Canada and completed post-doctoral training at the University of Sydney, Australia and U.T. Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, focusing on intracellular calcium in muscle fatigue and transcriptional regulation of gene expression in muscle fibre type determination and muscle plasticity.

“I am honoured to join the Solve FSHD team, supporting Chip and the Wilson Family in our mission to improve the quality of life for those affected by rare neuromuscular diseases by funding qualified research projects and pre-clinical and clinical research that will accelerate finding a cure for FSHD,” says Dr. Eva Chin, Solve FSHD Executive Director.

Dr. Chin’s career has spanned the academic and pharmaceutical industries, with previous positions at Pfizer, the University of Maryland, MyoTherapeutics, Cytokinetics and NMD Pharma. While at Pfizer, Eva shifted her career from academic research focusing on cellular and molecular mechanisms of muscle function to discovering and developing muscle-targeted therapies. Over the past five years, she has led the nonclinical development of numerous drug candidates in clinical trials for ALS, SMA, myasthenia gravis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Under Dr. Chin’s guidance, Solve FSHD’s venture-philanthropic funding model will strategically utilize Wilson’s monetary commitment to support the initial grants, investments in early-stage companies focused on FSHD and to incentivize pharmaceutical companies in the neuromuscular disease space to increase their focus on FSHD. The venture philanthropy model will enable the organization to be financially self-sustainable through return on investments. The investments in viable, albeit high-risk, research opportunities may generate a continued re-investment stream into the organization to further support grant funding initiatives.

“To take advantage of recent advances in genetic therapeutics, SOLVE FSHD constructed a creative funding platform to facilitate the development of treatments that rapidly slow, stop or even reverse weakness in FSHD,” said Dr. John Day, MD, Ph.D., Director of Stanford University’s Neuromuscular Medicine program. “Having someone with Dr. Eva Chin’s experience and capabilities join SOLVE FSHD is critical to establishing the scientifically rigorous program needed to define and validate safe and effective treatments as quickly as possible,” says Dr. John Day, MD, Ph.D., Neuromuscular Medicine, Stanford Neuroscience Health Center.

About Solve FSHD
Solve FSHD is funding innovative biotech and biopharma research and development activities that accelerate novel treatments of Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) treatment. It is fully funded and created by Canadian entrepreneur and philanthropist Chip Wilson. The founder of yoga-inspired athletic apparel company Lululemon Athletica inc. has been living with FSHD for the last three decades of his life. He has committed $100 million of his own money to create SOLVE FSHD and kick-start funding into projects that fit the organization’s mission: accelerate research into new therapies and find a cure for the disorder by 2027.

Future announcements for grant funding will be issued on SOLVE FSHD’s website – For early-stage companies, contact SOLVE FSHD at

If you have FSHD and want to find out about clinical trials or be included in the FSHD registry, please see SOLVE FSHD’s website –

For media inquiries or to request a media interview, please contact:
Kamran Shaikh, Account Director
PR Associates

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Sphera Tackles Scope 3 Emissions Reporting with Launch of its Automated Life Cycle Assessment Solution

New solution will allow businesses to aggregate and calculate life cycle assessments quickly and at scale

CHICAGO, May 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sphera®, a leading global provider of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and risk management software, data and consulting services, today announced the launch of its new Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Automation software, building upon the company’s existing LCA solutions. The move comes as investor and regulatory pressures surrounding the standardization and digitalization of end-to-end sustainability data measurement continue to mount, necessitating increasingly sophisticated and granular reporting and compliance tools.

Sphera’s next-generation solution integrates seamlessly with customers’ existing systems for rapid deployment, allowing customers to quickly receive holistic, real-time analysis and insights into the environmental footprint of their product portfolios. It also features extensive managed content that enables customers to instantaneously calculate their carbon footprint at scale and model how adjustments to specific variables—such as leveraging a cleaner power source or altering production processes—may affect emissions outputs.

The LCA Automation solution serves as an extension of Sphera’s existing Product Sustainability capabilities which include life cycle assessment software and content. The service allows a company to increase the number of LCAs by a factor of 1,000, in turn enabling the experienced LCA professional to focus on analyzing and improving results, versus creating them.

The overarching goal of Sphera’s LCA Automation tool is to help businesses—especially those in sectors with complex supply chains, such as manufacturing, consumer goods, paints and chemicals—to more effectively reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at every step of production, from design to disassembly. Improved forecasting will facilitate holistic corporate decisions with sustainability incorporated at each stage, allowing teams to proactively predict and control environmental impact.

Paul Marushka, Sphera’s CEO and president, says: “Historically, LCAs have been viewed as voluntary, ad-hoc add-ons to broader corporate sustainability efforts. However, with consumer awareness growing in-step with regulatory mandates to mitigate the effects of climate change, LCA Automation feeds into the highest needs of decarbonization. As recent moves from the EU, SEC and the latest IPCC report have shown, financial and reputational fallout from a failure to act are very much a ‘when’, not an ‘if’.”

Continues Marushka, “From helping engineers create more sustainable products to enabling procurement professionals to establish lower carbon emission supply chains, LCA Automation will transform decision-making, for the benefit of both businesses and our planet.”

About Sphera
Sphera is the leading provider of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and risk management software, data and consulting services focusing on Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability (EHS&S), Operational Risk Management and Product Stewardship. For more than 30 years, we have served over 3,000 customers and a million-plus users in 80 countries to help companies keep their people safe, their products sustainable and their operations productive. Learn more about Sphera at Follow Sphera on LinkedIn.

Contact Information:
Astrid Dickinson

جامعة البحرين الطبية تواصل الحصول على الإعترافات الدولية لبرامجها

 10 مايو: بما يتماشى مع المعايير العالمية لجودة التعليم الطبي، حصلت الكلية الملكية للجراحين في أيرلندا – جامعة البحرين الطبية (RCSI البحرين) على تجديد للإعتماد الطبي والأكاديمي من المجلس الطبي الأيرلندي (IMC) لبرنامج بكالوريوس الطب في عام 2021، وقرار الثقة الكاملة من هيئة جودة التعليم والتدريب بمملكة البحرين (BQA) في عام 2022 لبرنامج بكالوريوس التمريض وبرنامج الماجيستير في التمريض. ويحظى برنامج بكالوريوس الطب في جامعة البحرين الطبية على اعتماد المجلس الطبي الأيرلندي منذ عام 2014، وأُدرِجت كلية الطب التابعة للجامعة في الدليل العالمي لكليات الطب وفي “قائمة جامعات العالم” التابعة للاتحاد الدولي للجامعات (اليونسكو).

اجتمع فريق المجلس الطبي الأيرلندي بقيادة البروفيسور ماري أوسوليفان، عضو المجلس الطبي، وأعضاء المجلس لإجراء عملية إعادة الاعتماد لبرنامج بكالوريوس الطب على مدار بضعة أيام مع فريق الإدارة التنفيذية بجامعة البحرين الطبية، واعضاء هيئة التدريس بكلية الطب ومجلس الطلبة للجامعة، ومجموعة من الطلاب من أعوام دراسية مختلفة والمتدربين. وتمت مراجعة برنامج بكالوريوس الطب بما يتماشى مع المعايير العالمية للجودة الصادرة عن الاتحاد العالمي للتعليم الطبي (World Federation of Medical Education)، وأصدر المجلس الطبي الأيرلندي تجديدًا لإعتماد برنامج بكالوريوس الطب لمدة خمس سنوات حتى نوفمبر 2026.

وبقيادة البروفيسور إريكا سيرش، القائم بأعمال عميد كلية علوم التمريض في جامعة فاليندار في ألمانيا، قامت لجنة المراجعة من هيئة جودة التعليم والتدريب، والتي تألفت من ثلاثة متخصصين في الرعاية الصحية الإقليمية والدولية وأعضاء هيئة جودة التعليم والتدريب، بالإجتماع مع فريق الإدارة التنفيذية في جامعة البحرين الطبية وأعضاء هيئة التدريس من كلية التمريض والقبالة وكلية الدراسات العليا بالإضافة إلى الطلاب والخريجين. ولقد حصلت جامعة البحرين الطبية على قرار الثقة الكاملة من هيئة جودة التعليم العالي، وتواصل الجامعة بالحفاظ على مستواها واستيفائها لمعايير إطار المؤهلات الوطنية في البحرين (NQF) لبرنامج بكالوريوس التمريض و برنامج الماجيستير في التمريض.

ولقد تضمنت كلتا الزيارتين عدة اجتماعات مع مسؤولي التدريب في الجامعة، والمحاضرين السريريين واللجان الإستشارية للبرامج وأرباب العمل من وزارة الصحة والمستشفيات الشريكة للجامعة بما في ذلك مستشفى الملك حمد الجامعي بمملكة البحرين، مستشفى قوة دفاع البحرين البحرين – الخدمات الطبية الملكية، ومجمع السلمانية الطبي بمملكة البحرين، والعديد من المراكز الصحية في البحرين وكليفلاند كلينك في أبو ظبي، بالإمارات العربية المتحدة.

وقال البروفيسور سمير العتوم، رئيس الكلية الملكية للجراحين في أيرلندا – جامعة البحرين الطبية: “من خلال معايير الاعتماد الأكاديمي الذي تحظى به الجامعة ومناهجنا الدراسية المعترف بها عالميا، يتخرج طلاب جامعة البحرين الطبية وهم مزودون بالمعرفة والخبرة اللازمة للمنافسة على فرص وظيفية في جميع أنحاء العالم والمساهمة في تطوير برامج الرعاية الصحية الوطنية في دول الخليج”.

تتبع جامعة RCSI Bahrain للكلية الملكية للجراحين في إيرلندا التي تأسست في العام 1784 وهي جامعة مرخصة في مملكة البحرين كجامعة خاصة مستقلة. وكنظيرتها في إيرلندا، فإن جامعة RCSI Bahrain هي مؤسسة علوم صحية غير ربحية تركز على التعليم والأبحاث لدفع التغيير الإيجابي في جميع مجالات صحة الإنسان في جميع أنحاء العالم.

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Transaction of 377,500 shares of Javedan Corporation Limited

Karachi, Javedan Corporation Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 23,500 shares @ Rs. 47.00 per share were bought from the market on April 25, 2022, 60,000 shares @ Rs. 47.00 per share were bought from the market on April 27, 2022 and 294,000 shares @ Rs. 47.00 per share were bought from the market on April 28, 2022 through CDC.

Javedan Corporation Limited was incorporated in Pakistan on June 08, 1961, as a public limited company. The Company has ceased its cement business since July 01, 2010 and management has developed business diversification strategy for utilizing the Company land for developing a housing scheme, Naya Nazimabad which will include bungalows, open plots, flat sites, and commercial sites.

Total number of shares the company has introduced are 317,383,706. The Earnings per shares of the Company is 0.75 in 2020 which was 1.83 in 2019. The Profit after Taxation of the Company is 236,700,000 in 2020 which was 579,800,000 in 2019.

Transaction of 2,393,400 shares of TRG Pakistan Limited

Karachi, TRG Pakistan Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 2,393,400 shares @ Rs. 74.26 per share were bought from the market on May 11, 2022 through CDC.

TRG Pakistan Limited was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company on December 2, 2002. The principal activity of the Company is to act as a holding company. The Parent Company, (through its subsidiary, The Resource Group International Limited) has a portfolio of investments primarily in the Technology, IT Enabled Services and Medicare Insurance sectors.

TRG obtained the certificate of commencement of business on February 27, 2003. The operations of the Company effectively started on April 11, 2003.

The total number of shares of the Company is 545,390,665. The Earning per share is 0.14 in 2020 which was 0.00 in 2019. The Profit after tax is 76,165,000 in 2020 which was 1,855,000 in 2019.

Transaction of 99,500 shares of The Crescent Textile Mills Limited

Karachi, The Crescent Textile Mills Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 49,500 shares @ Rs. 18.02 per share were bought from the market on May 09, 2022 and 50,000 shares @ Rs. 18.04 per share were bought from the market on May 10, 2022 through CDC.

The Crescent Textile Mills Limited is a public limited company incorporated in Pakistan. The Company is engaged in the business of textile manufacturing comprising of spinning, combing, weaving, dyeing, bleaching, printing, stitching, buying, selling and otherwise dealing in yarn, cloth and other goods and fabrics made from raw cotton and synthetic fibers and to generate, accumulate, distribute, supply and sale of electricity.

The Crescent Textile Mills was founded in 1950. It’s a vertically integrated composite textile unit and engaged in supreme quality manufacturing of Yarn, Greige/Processed Fabrics, Home Textile, and Institutional Garments. 60+ years since its inception, the name of Crestex is known for its quality, innovation, and reliability all over the world.

The total number of shares are 80,000,000. The Earnings per share of the Company is 0.42 in 2020 which was 2.98 in 2019. The Profit after Taxation of the Company is 33,599,000 in 2020 which was 238,589,000 in 2019.

Transaction of 210 shares of Millat Tractors Limited

Karachi, Millat Tractors Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 210 shares @ Rs. 946.71 per share were bought from the market on May 10, 2022 through CDC.

Millat Tractors Limited is a public interest company, was incorporated on June 08, 1964. The Company is engaged in assembly and manufacturing of agricultural Tractors, Implements and Multi-application products. The Company is also involved in the sale, implementation and support of IFS applications in Pakistan.

The total number of shares of the Company are 56,057,751. The Earnings per share of the Company is 43.16 in 2020 which was 73.01 in 2019. The Profit After Taxation is 2,150,548,000 in 2020 which was 3,638,045,000 in 2019.

Transaction of 11,971 shares of Habib Insurance Company Limited

Karachi, Habib Insurance Company Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 3,822 shares @ Rs. 6.00 per share were bought from the market on May 09, 2022 and 8,149 shares @ Rs. 6.00 per share were bought from the market on May 11, 2022 through CDC.

Habib Insurance Company Limited was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company in the year 1942. The Company is engaged in general insurance business comprising of Fire and property, Marine and transport, Motor, Group hospitalization and other classes.

The total number of shares are 123,874,755. The Earnings per Shares of the company is 0.50 in 2020 which was 0.57 in 2019. Their Profit after Taxation is 61,663,000 in 2020 which was 70,087,000 in 2019.

Transaction of 103,500 shares of Siddiqsons Tin Plate Limited

Karachi, Siddiqsons Tin Plate Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 3,000 shares @ Rs. 10.80 per share were bought from the market on May 10, 2022 and 100,500 shares @ Rs. 10.85 per share were bought from the market on May 10, 2022 through CDC.

Siddiqsons Tin Plate Limited was incorporated in Pakistan on January 29, 1996 as a public limited company by shares. The principal activity of the Company is manufacturing and sale of tin plates, cans and other steel products. Siddiqsons Tin Plate Limited is the Tin Plate Industry in Pakistan. Established in 1999, in collaboration with SOLLAC of France and MITSUBISHI CORPORATION of Japan. The factory is located at special industrial zone, Windhur Baluchistan, 95 kilometer from Karachi.

The project has a capacity to produce 120,000 tons per annum of Tin Plate, which is primarily used for making cans and containers for packaging of cooking oil, fruits, foods, vegetables, sea foods, beverages, lubricant oil and other edible stuff etc.

The total number of shares are 229,278,733. The Earnings per shares of the Company is (0.10) in 2020 which was 0.39 in 2019. The Profit After taxation in 2020 is (23,144,000) which was 86,891,000 in 2019.

Cancellation of Board Meeting and Closed Period of BIPL Securities Limited

Karachi, BIPL Securities Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that the meeting of the board of directors of the company to be held on May 12, 2022.

Further, the company has declared the closed period from May 11, 2022 to May 12, 2022.

BIPL Securities Limited was incorporated in Pakistan on October 24, 2000. BIPL Direct is the retail brokerage arm of BIPL Securities Ltd. that caters to the diverse needs of equity investors around the globe. BIPL Direct started its operation in 2004

The Company is a subsidiary of BankIslami Pakistan Limited, and is a TREC holder of the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited and Corporate member of Pakistan Mercantile Exchange Limited. The Company is principally engaged in the business of stocks, money market, foreign exchange and commodity broking.

The number of shares the company has introduced are 100,000,000. The Earnings per share has increased in 2020 and is 0.94 compare to (0.12) in 2019. The profit after taxation in 2020 is 94,000,000 which was (11,941,000) in 2019.

Annual general meeting of Sui Southern Gas Company to be held on May 01, 2022

Karachi, Sui Southern Gas Company informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that annual general meeting of the company is scheduled to be held on June 03, 2022 through video link.

The agenda of the meeting will be confirming the minutes of Annual General Meeting held on August 10, 2021, to receive, consider and adopt the Annual Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2021 together with the Directors and Auditors Reports thereon, to appoint auditors for the year ending March 31, 2022 and fix their remuneration and to transact any other business with the permission of the chair.

Further, the closed period of the company is from May 27, 2022 to June 03, 2022 (both days inclusive).

Sui Southern Gas Company Limited’s main activity is transmission and distribution of natural gas in Sindh and Baluchistan. The Company is also engaged in certain activities related to the gas business including the manufacturing and sale of gas meters and construction contracts for laying of pipelines.

The total number of shares are 880,916,400. The Earnings per share is (20.88) in 2019 which was (16.86) in 2018. The Company had a loss of Rs. 18,394,768,000 in 2019 which was 14,848,208,000 in 2018.

Transaction of 1,861 shares of Sitara Chemical Industries Limited

Karachi, Sitara Chemical Industries Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about transaction of shares of the company. 1,861 shares @ Rs. 365.00 per share were bought from the market on May 10, 2022 through CDC.

Sitara Chemical Industries Limited was incorporated in Pakistan on September 08, 1981 as a public limited company. The Company is currently organized into two operating divisions and these divisions are Chemical Division (manufacturing of caustic soda and allied products) and Textile Division (manufacturing of yarn and fabric).

The total numbers of shares are 21,429,524. The Earnings per share is 13.94 in 2020 which was 41.32 in 2019. The Profit after Taxation of the Company is 298,763,000 in 2020 which was 885,458,000 in 2019.