Appointment of Director of Trust Securities and Brokerage Limited

Karachi, Trust Securities and Brokerage Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that Mr. Sardar Abdul Majeed has been appointed as Director of the Company with effect from September 17, 2021.

Trust Securities And Brokerage Limited was incorporated as a Public Limited Company on October 19, 1993. The principal activities of the company include brokerage of shares, stocks, equity and debt securities, commodities, forex and other financial instruments and corporate financial services. The company is also engaged in trading in equity and debt securities on its own account through ready, spot and forward counters of the exchange.

The total number of shares are 30,000,000. The Earning per share is 1.16 in 2020 which was (0.78) in 2019. The Profit after Taxation of the Company is 34,891,000 in 2020 which was (23,436,000) in 2019.