B.F. Modaraba Struggles with Negative Earnings Despite Active Trading

Stock Exchange Announcements

Karachi, B.F. Modaraba NC faced a challenging financial period, as reflected in its negative earnings per share (EPS) of Rs. -0.80 for 2022/2023. According to information available from the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), despite active trading with a turnover of 33,000 shares, the modaraba could not uplift its financial status. Today's rate was recorded at Rs. 5.98 with a daily weighted average rate of Rs. 75.15. The firm has a significant paid-up capital of Rs. 231.00 million, and no dividends were distributed for 2022, 2023, or projected for 2024. Listed in 1989, B.F. Modaraba continues to seek avenues to turn around its financial health.