Bannu Woollen Mills Ltd. Announces Financial Figures for 2022-2023 Period

Business & Finance

Islamabad, Bannu Woollen Mills Ltd. (BNWM), a leading textile manufacturer, reported its financial performance for the fiscal year ending in 2024. The company's share rate today stood at 23.66 Rs., with a daily weighted average rate of 95.06 Rs. Despite a challenging year, Bannu Woollen Mills managed a turnover of 512,500 units. The company, with a paid-up capital in millions at a par value of Rs. 10 per share, announced no dividends for the year. The earnings per share (EPS) for the 2022/2023 period was reported as (36.10) Rs., reflecting a downturn from the previous year. The company, which was listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSE) in 1992, holds a significant position in the woolen textiles market.