Flying Cement Shares Hold Steady as Futures Show Varied Highs

Stock Exchange Announcements

Karachi, On January 18, 2024, Flying Cement Company's shares remained unchanged in the Pakistan Stock Exchange, as indicated by the latest financial summaries. The stock, trading under the code FLYNG, opened and closed at PKR 6.96. During the trading session, the shares varied, with a low of PKR 6.7 and a high of PKR 6.82, and 238,000 shares were traded. The closing price was set at PKR 6.92.

In the futures market, Flying Cement's listings displayed no trading activity but varied in session highs. The FLYNG-FEB future, without any trades, reached a high of PKR 7 and closed at PKR 7.1.

Similarly, the FLYNG-JAN future had no opening or closing trades. It reached a high of PKR 6.86 during the session and closed at PKR 7.

Lastly, the FLYNG-MAR future also saw no trading activity. It reached a session high of PKR 7.17 and closed at PKR 7.28.