Karachi, In preparation for its upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting (EOGM), Hallmark Company Limited has released important instructions regarding electronic voting and postal ballot procedures. The EOGM is scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. at the company's registered office in Karachi.
Members of Hallmark Company Limited have been informed that, in compliance with the Companies (Postal Ballot) Regulations of 2018, as amended through a notification dated December 05, 2022, by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), the company is now required to offer electronic voting and postal ballot options for all business classified as special business.
This means that members of the company will have the opportunity to cast their votes through electronic voting facilities or by postal ballot for any special business matters to be discussed during the forthcoming EOGM. These options will be made available in accordance with the regulations set forth by the SECP.
The company encourages its members to familiarize themselves with the procedures and conditions outlined in the regulations to ensure a smooth and successful voting process during the Extraordinary General Meeting on September 27, 2023.