Maple Leaf Cement Factory to Hold Board Meeting for Annual Accounts; Closed Period Announced

Board Meetings

Karachi, Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited has announced that a crucial meeting of its Board of Directors is scheduled to take place on September 06, 2023. The meeting will be conducted via video conferencing and will convene at the company's Registered Office in Lahore. The primary agenda of the meeting is to deliberate upon the annual audited accounts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, and to consider any related entitlement declarations.

In compliance with regulatory requirements, the company has also officially declared a "Closed Period" spanning from August 30, 2023, to September 06, 2023. This closed period entails strict restrictions on share trading by the company's Directors, CEO, and Executives. During this period, no such individuals will be allowed to engage in any dealings involving the company's shares, either directly or indirectly, as per the stipulations of the Listing Regulations of Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited.

The upcoming board meeting holds significant importance for Maple Leaf Cement Factory, as it marks an opportunity for top decision-makers to analyze and discuss the company's financial performance for the past fiscal year. This assessment will lay the foundation for any potential entitlement declarations that could be announced in light of the company's financial standing.

As the meeting approaches, stakeholders, investors, and the market at large await the outcome of the discussions, keeping a close watch on the proceedings and any subsequent announcements that might influence the company's trajectory.