Mughal Iron and Steel Industries Fulfill 9th Profit & 5th Principal Payment Obligations to Sukuk Certificate-1 Holders

Business & Finance

Karachi, In a significant development, Mughal Iron and Steel Industries Limited has successfully completed its 9th Profit and 5th Principal payment to Sukuk Certificate-1 holders. The payment, which was due on June 02, 2023, marks another milestone in the company's commitment to meeting its financial obligations.

Mughal Iron and Steel Industries Limited has consistently prioritized fulfilling its financial responsibilities, and this recent payment demonstrates their dedication towards honoring their obligations. The successful completion of the 9th Profit and 5th Principal payment further strengthens the company's credibility and instills confidence in its investors and stakeholders.

Sukuk holders, who invested in the company's Sukuk Certificate-1, can now rejoice in receiving their rightful returns. Mughal Iron and Steel Industries Limited's commitment to timely payments is a testament to its stability and reliability as a business entity.