Pakistan Stock Exchange Sees Active Trading and Index Uplift on March 19, 2024

Stock Exchange Announcements

Karachi, The Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSE) showcased an active day of trading with significant movements in both the ready and future markets on March 19, 2024. The market witnessed a positive shift with the majority of key indices experiencing an upward trajectory, demonstrating a healthy trading atmosphere.

In the ready market, companies moved as follows: 184 advanced, 140 declined, and 17 remained unchanged out of a total of 341. In the futures market, there were 159 advancers, 144 decliners, and 10 unchanged out of 313 companies.

Key indices reflected growth with the KSE-30, KSE-100, KSEALLSHR, KMI30, and KMIALLSHR indices all marking increases from their previous positions. Specifically, the KSE-100 index rose by 612.09 points, a 0.94 percent increase, while the KSE-30 index improved by 185.08 points, an 0.86 percent rise. Other indices like the BKTI and OGTi also saw significant uplifts.

Turnover rates for the day were substantial, with the regular market (REG) seeing a turnover of 323,281,871 shares compared to the previous session's 211,758,341. The traded value for the regular market was reported at 17,059,229,482, significantly higher than the previous session's 7,785,084,666.

Notable companies that reflected significant turnover included WorldCall Telecom, Telecard Limited, B.O.Punjab, and Hascol Petrol among others, with turnovers reaching into the millions.

Significant price movements were seen in individual companies: Unilever Pakistan Foods Limited saw a substantial increase by 200.00, closing at 21,700.00. In contrast, notable decreases were observed in Sapphire Fibres Limited, Pakistan Tobacco Company Limited, and Nestle Pakistan Limited, with their rates dropping significantly compared to their last close.