PSE Announces Closure Prices for GIS Bonds

Stock Exchange Announcements

Karachi, In the latest financial announcements to the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSE), the closing prices for three Government of Pakistan Ijarah Sukuk (GIS) bonds were reported. Each of the bonds, identified by their unique company codes, had a closing price set at 100. The bonds in question are P05GIS091225, P05GIS290725, and P05GIS300425. Despite being listed, there were no open, low, or high prices reported, nor were there any shares traded for these bonds on the 29th of March, 2024.

The first bond, P05GIS091225, along with the other two, showed a static closing price with no variation throughout the trading day, indicating a lack of trading activity. Similarly, P05GIS290725 and P05GIS300425 mirrored this pattern, with no opening, low, or high prices, and no total shares traded, closing at a price of 100.

This announcement is straightforward, providing only the closing prices without any additional trading details for the bonds on the specified date. The lack of activity suggests either a stable market condition for these securities or a lack of investor movement on the day in question.